207-387-3192 Mon-Fri : 10:00AM - 5:00PM
207-387-3192 Mon-Fri : 10:00AM - 5:00PM

Plan of Record Change Required Prior to Changing Edible Potency per Package

PL2023, ch. 396 increases the allowable potency per package of edible cannabis products from 100mg/package to 200mg/package – this goes into effect on October 25, 2023. Keep in mind – the per serving limit on edible cannabis products of 10mg/serving is NOT changing, only the PER PACKAGE limit.

You MAY NOT change your packaging dosages WITHOUT FIRST changing your PLAN OF RECORD to account for these changes. Remember in all cases that OCP requires your operations to ACCURATELY REFLECT your Plan of Record. To reiterate you MAY NOT change your operations until you change your Plan of Record and these changes are APPROVED by OCP.

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